Sunday, 22 March 2015

Overall Development of My Artist's Star Image

INITIAL IDEA: I wanted my star to find as much resemblance to Wiz Khalifa (for the purpose of this video) as possible. So I devised that the best way to parody Wiz Khalifa and Jewish culture at the same time would be to have the star dressed like a Hasidic Jew (most stereotypical sector of Judaism) in a shirt similar to Wiz's in We Dem Boyz

This idea was successful and the result product was this:

Along with the costume and props:


DEVELOPED IDEA: Once I had completed the first draft of my music video, I was advised that having only this as the star image was boring and not entertaining enough. At this point I needed to come up with a concept of another part of this star image, to which I concluded by suggesting that the first image was an alter-ego of the "real star". 

Once I had devised this concept, I proceeded to give my artist an authentic image, one that a wider dynamic of his audience could relate to. That image resulted in this:

Therefore, it's very clear to see that from the initial idea of my video, my artist's star image has changed dramatically. The two sides of the image is also addressed multiple times in the video, on the Digi-Pak and on the website:

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