Saturday, 21 March 2015

Jewish Boyz: Colour/Tone/Lighting

In order to successfully parody We Dem Boyz, I needed to make sure that I matched the colour, tone and lighting of the video, and all the themes that they were employing on it to the target audience. These are important elements of the video because they convey messages and about how these colours represents the mood of the video and the reflection upon their career as a musician.

Parody videos usually tend to be bright and colourful because they are imitating another video and artist for fun, therefore there is no real emotion being conveyed, rather it is almost purely comedy. However, if the song parodied is sad or has a particular colour to embody the theme, the parody video should follow with the same type of lighting, colour and tone in order to match the parodied video as close as possible.

The lighting used in We Dem Boyz is dark and grey, quite typical of the Hip-Hop genre, but in my opinion bizarre for this song. The reason for the use of this colour lighting is possibly because they are in a rough part of Atlanta, Georgia, and therefore some of that roughness or violence about it could best be conveyed through the lighting. At times it has been shown to be colourful, but that is usually illuminated by the blue sky and particular objects such as the Mercedes. In addition, the colour of all mise-en-scene aspects are grey and bland, yet strangely the song is uplifting.

We're Jewish Boyz, like We Dem Boyz, is an uplifting song and so I felt that it needed to have bright colours, but it needed to vary in order not to fully imitate the video. 

With this approach, I had filmed shots in early morning, a bright day, a neutral day, dusk and night time. This gave me a variety of colours to work with, essentially multi-coloured. The point of varying all these shots were so that the idea of parody and positivity could be linked into the intention of the video and song, so that the audience would understand the messages coming from it. 

Here are some examples of the variation of colours:

Another reason for using a variety of colours was to share a private joke with British people on the humour that the weather changes a lot, so we may have a sunny day, cloudy day or rainy day etc. This humour targets a very niche section of my audience, but it is not a noticeable theme so I don't expect most of the audience to understand it at all, however this was just my intention for humour.

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