When producing my thriller last year, I learnt the basic terminology related to all types of film:
- Animatic - An animated storyboard that gives a better idea of a planned project
- Capture - The act of transferring footage from camera to computer
- Continuity Editing - Spatial and temporal continuity is maintained for the comprehension of the audience [in film and TV]
- Cutaway - A shot of an object, person or detail, which can be inserted at any time in a sequence (usually for extra narrative) without breaking continuity
- Montage Editing - A style of editing in which the juxtaposition of different elements creates impact and meaning
- Offline Edit - Basic edit to be viewed prior to any effects being added
- Online Edit - Final edit where effects are added and the tape produced to broadcast standard
- Post-Production - The stage where effects are added
- Pre-Production - The planning stage of a project, prior to shooting
- Production - The main shooting and editing stage of a project
- Storyboard - A planning sheet on which shots can be drawn prior to shooting
- Telecine - A stage between shooting and offline editing whereby all footage is transferred from film to video to allow editing on a computer
- Transition - Editing components, such as fades, dissolves, wipes, etc which overlap between shots to move the video from one shot to another
- Treatment - An initial outline of a project, which indicates the main features of the finished product
I also learnt terminology related to media texts and audiences:
- Demographic - Particular socio-economic or geographical features of the audience
- Director - The main creative interpreter and organiser in charge of production process
- Distribution - The means by which a media product reaches its audience, including all promotional and marketing activity
- Exhibition - The point at which audiences view media products
- Form - The structuring conventions of a media text, such as generic, narrative or ideological framework
- Genre - Categories into which media texts may be divided according to similarities of form and content
- Hybrid - A combination of different genres or styles
- Ideology - Ideas, values and beliefs we hold as individuals or as groups, which inform the way we interpret and construct representations of the world
- Niche Marketing - Where a small specific audience is targeted, not a mass one
- Proliferation - A sudden increase in the amount or number of something
- Representation - Aspects of the real world are reconstructed into media texts, most commonly particular individuals or social groups
- Style - Visual and other production elements combined to give the text a distinct image and mode of address
- Synergy - Process by which one media product helps sell another, often from the same company
I will try to add a new term that I have learnt with each post I make in the future.
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