Monday, 15 September 2014

Development of my idea

Since having feedback from my teacher, I haven't needed to make many adjustments to my idea. 

The only major issue with my idea was that I intended to copy Wiz Khalifa's music video structure in almost exactly the same way. For example, I wanted to shoot the 3/4 of the video in one shot (just like he did). My teacher explained to me that there are issues with this type of idea:

  • Plagiarism: When parodying a music video, be original. Don't copy his exact idea because people are more interested in seeing additional elements instead of shifted versions of the same elements.
  • Complication: Shooting a video in one shot is a complicated process. It takes a lot of time, repetition and NO CHECKPOINTS. There would be a lot of frustration from having to film from the beginning over and over again. Therefore it wouldn't be advised to film in one shot.

Other than this issue, nothing else has been inquired to change. 

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