Sunday, 14 December 2014

Jewish Boyz: Location and Setting

INITIAL IDEA: I wanted to film most of the video in the streets of Golders Green, Hendon (and other Jewish areas etc.) so that the video would be more humorous with the inclusion of public reaction...

HOWEVER, After a few attempts at filming in the streets, I started to notice that lots of different groups of people were alerted by what I was filming. 

I had groups of other Jewish people in the area coming up to me asking what the video was for, and showing their interest and enthusiasm with my idea. 
I also had groups of Hasidic Jews (the look I was parodying) shaking their heads in disapproval, as well as non-Jewish people looking concerned with what I was doing.

Because of this, I decided to film the majority of the video in parks in those areas (as they are mostly occupied by Jews) and when filming there, I would film in the most recognisable areas of the park so that the audience could be familiar with the relation to Jewish stereotypes. 

These parks were:

Sunny Hill Park

Edgwarebury Park

Oak Hill Park

DEVELOPED IDEA: Due to audience feedback, I learnt that having footage from the parks only was boring and not creative enough, so I had to devise other locations to film in with purpose to make the video more entertaining.

I did film many shots of ABOUDY inside his car, either driving, parked or as he is about to drive:

I filmed shots of ABOUDY outside areas that provide Jewish-based services, e.g. a Synagogue, bakery and deli:

I also filmed in Elior's house because it was free and was big enough to create all the scenes I needed:

I finally filmed using a green screen, in order to simulate locations that weren't accessible and to simulate interesting animations and images:

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