Jewish Boyz: How I made the song
Once I had decided I was going to make We're Jewish Boyz, I needed to find a way to make it legally. This first required me to search for an instrumental to the song that wasn't directly released by Wiz or any associates. Thankfully, Wiz had not released an official instrumental, which meant that prosumers were submitting their own variations of it. I asked the permission of a YouTuber to use the song, and he said it would be fine.

At first, I tried using the free audio creation service Audacity, as this would ultimately reduce my budget for the project as a whole. However, there was a disadvantage to using it because the audio quality wasn't professional enough after processing, so I ultimately decided to scrap it.
Luckily, a friend of mine owns the latest version of Logic Pro and I arranged a day with him to record the song and compile the track together all at the same time. This proved successful because it is what most music producers use to create songs and because I didn't need to start from scratch with the instrumental, I saved lots of time just recording the lyrics over the song. Comparing both the audio files from Logic and Audacity, it was obvious to tell that the Logic audio sounded a lot more professional, and one that could actually be used in any type of video or sold as a song online or in store.
Once I create the Digi-Pak, I will credit him as producer of the song as he is the person who controlled Logic to make the song.
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