Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Jewish Boyz: Audience Questionnaire + Analysis

Below is my audience questionnaire:

Question 1: What worked well in the video?

From this question I learnt:
  • The use of the green screen to project images and Jewish symbols was effective in humouring my audience
  • The lip syncing (at times) was good along with the special effects
  • The cross-cutting between the narrative and other elements of the video proved to be entertaining, and shed light onto the variety in the video
  • The lyrics were well written and fit perfectly as a karaoke form in the video
  • The costumes were interesting and were a successful parody of We Dem Boyz + perfectly conveyed the mise-en-scene
Question 2: What could have been improved?

From this question I learnt:
  • There were issues with the lip sync and timing of the song (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
  • I had suggestions from the audience, for example, animating the lyrics in order to simulate a real karaoke type video, however I decided not to take this suggestion forward
  • One audience member didn't like the "blurry beard" shot (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
  • The actors in my video weren't great at lip syncing (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
  • One audience member noticed a change of volume in the video, this issue was fixed
  • One audience member found the intro to be too long and more time was spent on the chorus (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
Address and Justification:
  • Any issues with the lip syncing were created by Adobe Premiere Pro during the final export of my video. Before export, it had shown itself to be completely in time with the lyrics, however, post export, it had shown itself to be slightly out of time. I justify this issue by defining the point that this song and video are parodies of another song and video, and it is the first thing released by my artist. Therefore, the video was not necessarily designed to be professional and the lack of professionalism is the true significance of the parody. This is the same with the "blurry beard" shot and the actors' level of performance.
  • I justify the other issue regarding the intro of the song by saying that the intro was supposed to be more visual than lyrical. It was supposed to set the narrative for the audience, so they had some understanding of what is going on in the video so that they are not entirely confused when the verses begin to appear. Additionally, the intro repeats the chorus because the aim was to make the song catchy and so that it would break into my target audience and make them remember it.
Question 3: What should I add or re-edit additionally?

From this question I learnt:
  • The audience believed that I should have had a larger cast (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
  • The audience believed that my extras should have had more time in the limelight as opposed to my star (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
  • The song was sung in a deep voice and one audience member found this to be annoying and drilling (THIS ISSUE WILL BE ADDRESSED AND JUSTIFIED AT BOTTOM OF POST)
Address and Justification:
  • Originally, I was supposed to have a cast of 10 people, however, on the last minute before the first shooting day, 6 members of my cast confirmed that they were unavailable to shoot. This then left me with a cast of 4, and because I had shot a large amount of the video with this cast, I could not have included the other members if they became available because the video would not make sense otherwise. Another issue with this is one of my cast members was only available for one shoot, therefore I had to cut them out of the majority of the video for the same reason.
  • Regarding the issue of extras not having enough attention in the video, the epitome of this project is not to focus on the extras, it is to focus on the star. The star is who I am making a cohesive package of video, Digi-Pak and website for, and because this is a parody, the star needs to parody the star of We Dem Boyz, Wiz Khalifa, which I believe he did successfully. 
  • Regarding the issue of the song being annoyingly deep, this is also a part of the parody. If you listen to We Dem Boyz, you will notice that Wiz has a autotuned and high voice throughout. The aim of the parody was to ultimately challenge these conventions because that is the way of employing humour in the video. Additionally, the voice was purposely designed to be this deep and annoying because I wanted to make sure the audience remembered it in some kind of way.
Question 4: Does the video match the genre?

From this question I learnt:
Question 5: Who is the target audience?

From this question I learnt:
  • My audience understood the intended target audience of my video
Question 6: What do you think my artist's star image is?

From this question I learnt:
  • My audience understood the intended star image of my artist, and understood that I was parodying prolific Jewish musicians such as Matisyahu

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Jewish Boyz: Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro

Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture any footage of me editing the actual music video, however, below is footage of me editing an evaluation question with the music video in it:

I uploaded this in order to demonstrate my skills with Adobe Premiere Pro, and I believe that I am very skilled with it after two years of using it for lots of different media purposes.